Selected Media

Speaking on the “Secret Lives of Bustards” at the National Geographic Explorers Festival

Sandgrouse Special Issue: The Great Bustard in Central Asia

Audubon Magazine: Solving the riddle of one of the world’s heaviest flying birds

National Geographic: Governments unite to conserve the world’s heaviest flying animal

Cover Story, Зеленый Мир: Есть ли будущее у дрофы в Казахстане? [Green World: Is there a future for the Great Bustard in Kazakhstan? In Russian]

中国鸟类观察: 越冬游子的夏季生活. [China Bird Watch: The summer life of a winter visitor]

Indianapolis Zoo: Support bird migrations by turning off your lights at night

Email: Pronouns: she/her

I typically divide the year between Central Asia and Tulsa in the Muscogee Nation, Oklahoma, USA. In my free time, I enjoy canoeing Ozark rivers, spending time with my pet chickens, and exploring North America’s remnant grasslands